Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ohman vs. Adorno/Horkeimer

Ohman and A/H have their own essays “selling culture” and “The culture industry” respectively which have a lot of differences but even with the differences they relate back to the same topics as each other. Some of the topics were advertising, culture, and capitalism. In Ohman’s essay, he seems to be on board with capitalism whereas A/H are opposed to it. Ohman seems to be praising capitalism and A/H is displaying flaws and negativity. They both talk about advertising as a popular way of conveying a message through the public and culture brings both of these arguments together.
A/H believed that the leaders in one way or another were advertising capitalism in the sense that “one culture is liked and admired by all” and that “everyone follow the very culture that all people are doing”. Advertising led to people acting the same way and buying the same products where no one would be able to portray themselves as individuals in the society. Manufacturers advertised their products to the extreme in order for the culture to come into effect and take over, which allows the people to buy their product as a fashion requirement and not something useless. The only reason to advertise into the culture is to make ample amounts of profit and not considering the economic times or the needs of the consumer.
By Ohman’s essay, it looks like capitalism is just another way of making profit which requires the use of culture and advertising. Without advertising into the culture, capitalism might not profit and that is the whole concept of Ohman. He realized the advantages and disadvantage of capitalism. But on the other hand A/H has not realized the advantages, they seem to be displaying complete negativity towards capitalism.
Overall, both of the essays were in good context and were discussing the positive and negative sides of capitalism and the affects of culture and advertising brings upon it. In “The culture industry”, capitalism is stated as the poor people become poorer and the rich become the more rich and the middle class people stay where they are because they are not taking any chances. “Selling culture” on the other hand discussed the good and the bad affects of capitalism which was much better for the reader since it wasn’t a one sided subjective opinion and was an objective one, which is more educational and relevant to today’s readers as a whole.

Monday, January 19, 2009

personal info

my name is saqib shahid and my first name is pronounced sakib as it is written. i would like to be called by my first name. i am in my fourth year of business admin. program and majoring in accounting. i work full time during the day and attend classes in the evening. i have a full course load because i am trying to finish school as soon as possible. summer is going to be hopefully my last semester. i am hoping that this semester will be a good one. i am signing out now but only to return again next week......